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Thejas & Mithila

Love in Full Bloom! Capturing Moments, Embracing Forever June 11th was a day etched in our hearts forever, as we witnessed the breathtaking engagement photos of @thejas679 and @mithila_jjanardhanan. Set against the enchanting backdrop of @hush_ville, a serene haven brought to life by the creative minds at @kites_events_, it was a celebration of love, warmth, and cherished connections. Surrounded by their closest friends and beloved family, the air was filled with joy and laughter. Each smile painted a thousand stories, as everyone reveled in the blissful union of two souls destined to be together. The atmosphere was intimate, yet every moment was infused with pure beauty. In a delightful twist, the bride herself took on the role of the MUA, accentuating her innate radiance with her artistic touch. She adorned a resplendent red saree, a symbol of passion and elegance, while the groom complemented her grace with a dashing kurta. Their attire perfectly mirrored their harmonious bond, a testament to their shared love and style. As we gathered to witness the exchange of rings, our hearts swelled with happiness for Thejas and Mithila. With every precious moment captured, their journey into forever unfolded before our eyes. This carousel of memories will forever remind us of the love that bloomed that day, destined to flourish and thrive through the years. Here’s to Thejas and Mithila, may your love story continue to dazzle and inspire. May it be filled with laughter, warmth, and an eternal bond that knows no boundaries. As you embark on this remarkable journey together, know that you have our unwavering love and support. #LovelnFullBloom #EngagementBliss #ThejasAndMithila #ForeverTogether #vmpfilms #vmpfam